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Solaris and Netware

Posted by Deny Kurniawan ( Computer Indonesia ) Saturday, March 3, 2012 0 comments
Solaris and Netware - Solaris, a version of unix developer by sun microsystems, is a server operating system designed specifically for e-commerce applications. Solaris manages high tarffic accounts and incoporates security necessary for web transactions. Client computers often use a desk top program, such as gnome desktop, that communicates with the solaris operating sytem.

Netware novell's netware is a server operating system designed for client/server networks. Netware has a server portion that resides on the network server and a client portion that resides on each cleint computer connected to the network. Netware support open source software and runs on all type of computers from mainframes to personal computers. Client computers also can have their own stand alone operating system such as a windows, mac os or linux.


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