Linux and Unix
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Linux and Unix - Linux some network servers use linux as their operating system. Thus, linux also is a multipurpose operating system. With linux, a netwok administrator can configure the network, administer security, run a web server, and process e-mail. Clietnts on the network can run linux, unix, or windows. Distributions of linux include the mozilla web browser. Example : Ubuntu, Redhat, Backtrack, Garuda Os.
Unix in addition to being a stand alone operating system, unix also is a server operating system. That is, unix is capable of handling a high volume of handling a high volume of transactions in a multiuser environment and workng with multiple proccesors using multiproccesing. For this roason, some computer proffesionals call unix a multipurpose operating system because it is both a stand alone and server operating system. Many web servers use unix as their operating system. Example : Dolphin.
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