Embedded Linux and Google Android
Monday, March 5, 2012
Embedded Linux and Google Android - Embeded linux is a scale down linux operating system designed for smart phones, PDAs, portable media players, internet telephones and many other types of devices and computers requiring an embedded operation system. Devices with embedded linux offer calender and address book and other PIM functions, touch screens and handwraiting recognition. Many also allow you to connect to the internet, take picture, send e-mail and instant messages, listen music and play video. Devices that us embedded Linux synchronize with desktop computers using a variety of technologies including bluetooth.
Google Android is an operating system designed by google for mobile devices. Used on more than 20 different types of mobile devices, Google Android allow programmers to design programs speciffically for devices supporting that operating system. Google Android contains features suchh as access to e-mail account, an alarm clock, Wi-Fi access, web browsing and Google android market app. Example Google Android version Honey comb, Froyo, Ice Cream Sndwich, Jelly.
kunjungan disini...artikel yang bagus kawan......
@Dwi Yulianto : Terimakasih kawan
like this banget :) sayang ane belom nyoba si robotijo hehe
@Hzndi : hahaha iya ane juga belum kok cuma pernah main ajah
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