Windows Embedded CE
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Windows Embedded CE - Is a scaled down windows operating system designed for use on communications, entertaiment and computering devices with limited functionality. Examples of devices that use Windows Embedded CE includeVoIP telephones, industrial control devices, digital cameras, point of sale terminals, automated teller machine, digital photos frames, fuel pumps, security robots, handheld navigation evices, portable media players, ticket machines and computerized sewing machines.
Windows Embedded CE is a GUI that suports color, sound, multitasking, multimedia, e-mail, internet access and web the browsing. A bulit in file viewer allows users to view files created in populer programs such as Word, Excel and Power Point.
Devices equipped with Windows Embedded CE can communicate wirelessly with computers and other divices using bluetooth or other wireless technologies, as long as rhe device is equipped with the necessary communications hardware.
wuihhhh.. kunjungan perdana semoga bisa menjadi teman baikk
wah, english...
saya kurang paham. wkwkwkwkwk.........
nggak mudeng aq boss, hahaha :D
@Dwi save arema : ok gan kita jalin persahabatan lewat blogger
@Mania-xp : haha iya saya pake english karena mau buat moniteze kok
@firman taruna nugraha : hahaha iya sob , gak mudeng di translate wae haha
postingan'a inggris smua nh sob !!!
nice, lanjutkan tulisan'a,,,
Kunjungan perdana
@AF Sahabat Artikel : hahaha iya sob ini buat di jadikan blog miniteze mau mendulang dollar nih lagi gila bisnis hehe
@Berbagi Informasi : Terimakasih rif kunjungannya haha
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