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Personal Firewall

Posted by Deny Kurniawan ( Computer Indonesia ) Wednesday, March 7, 2012 2 comments

Personal Firewall - A personal firewall is a utility that detects and protects a personal computer from unauthorized instrusions. Personal firewall constantly monitor all transmissions to and from a computer.

When connected to the internet you computer is vulnerable to attacks from hacker. A backer is someone who teries to access a computer or network illegally. Users with broadband internet connections such as throught DSL and cable internet service are even susceptible than those with dial up access because the internet connection always is on.

Operating systems often include a personal firewall. Windows automatically enables its buit in personal forewall called windows firewall upon installation of the operating system. If your operating system does not include a personal firewall or you want additional proctetion you can purchase a stand alone personal firewall utility or a hardware firewall which is a device such as a router that has a buit in firewall.


Hzndi said...

baru tahu ini sob :)

Deny Kurniawan ( Computer Indonesia ) said...

@Hzndi : hahah iya nih sebenarnya ane share di sini semua dari pelajaran mata kuliah hehehe maklum make bahasa inggris soalnya materi pake bhs inggris.

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